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Testimonial Disclaimer

In accordance with published guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising TaxClever provides the following explanation of use:

Testimonials appearing on this site are typically received via email or other written submission. They are personal statements, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our services in some way or another and have been voluntarily submitted to us without payment.  However, they are individual results and opinions will inevitably vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that customers will generally achieve and the testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our services.  At TaxClever we do take customer satisfaction extremely seriously and work hard to provide a high level of service.
Where possible testimonials displayed on our website/other material are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. If testimonials are too long we reserve the right to shorten them to fit within the available space but will never change the meaning from that intended by the author.  Any necessary adjustments to a testimonial are agreed with the author before publishing.

Submitting your Testimonial                                                                                                                                                      
At TaxClever we welcome the submission of testimonials from our customers.  As a user of our services you acknowledge that by submitting your testimonial you grant us permission to print, reproduce or use the testimonial in connection with our business.  Should you at any time wish to withdraw or amend your testimonial you may do so by notifying us in writing, otherwise this permission will be perpetual. Changes will be incorporated as soon as practical, eg. Usually in the next update to our website or printed material.
Our use of your testimonial may take any form we see fit whether it be on our website or on printed/other material.  Use of your testimonial is at our sole discretion and without payment in any form.   We will usually, but not always make reference to your name/and or business in association with the testimonial unless you ask us not to.  
By submitting your testimonial, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions as listed in this document.
